I've been so moved by how much food has positively and negatively affected my health as a Celiac, that I've been inspired to share my journey. Cooking gluten-free and Paleo has become one of my biggest passions. Not only is it tasty, but I can feel my body healing itself one day at a time. When the GF diet wasn't enough to feel well, I switched to a Paleo diet in January. I was so concerned about what food I was missing, but soon realized this was a self-imposed, negative and narrowing mindset. This quote helped me gain perspective, "It's never too late to turn it all around. Be honest with yourself and others. If anything you're doing in life is not what you should be doing...stop. Life is way too short to continue in the wrong direction, but the longer that you do, the less time you will have to travel in the right direction." -Doe Zantamata, author of "Happiness In Your Life." My goal is to share and hopefully inspire others who are suffering or considering major diet changed to GO FOR IT! Paleo is easy, satisfying and often requires less ingredients and time in the kitchen than you're used to. And it's fun to improvise. Here's some of what's been going on in my kitchen...thanks for looking! I'm a little obsessed with beets, they're good in any season. And we're getting a ton from the CSA right now. Any vegetable tastes divine roasted. On this occasion, the herbs of choice were fresh rosemary and black peppercorns. Same deal...just toss on some herbs and oil, throw them onto the pan and roast them about 15 minutes in high heat (about 400). I find mine crisp up best on the top oven rack. Same story here with the cauliflower. This is especially yummy in the winter. COCONUT OIL is a wonderful pairing with the cauliflower. Here I did Coconut oil and turmeric for a thai-like flavering, and both are awesome natural tonics. Ohhh, and speaking of CSA's....COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE. It's like a co-op for produce. I'm willing to bet there's one near you. The basic idea is you buy a crop share from a local farm and they provide a weekly delivery of what's in season and delish. It's a win, win, win... healthy and organic, supporting your local farmer and often cheaper than the grocery store (well definitely Whole Foods). Check it out: http://www.justfood.org/csa