Traveling the World on a journey of well-being, for my students, myself and this precious planet we call home.
For up-to-date travel blogging please follow along @itsa.smallworld.afterall
Australia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Indonesia, Norway, Belgium, Scotland, England, Wales, Italy, France, Croatia, Spain, Mexico, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Seychelles, South Africa. |
Vertical Divider
American Samoa, New Zealand, Australia, Madagascar, Mauritius, South Africa, Namibia, Morocco, Monaco, Greece, France, Spain...and god-willing more to come! |
Making history as we traversed the Northwest Passage from Alaska to Greenland via the Arctic, as the first-ever vessel of this large size! It was an honor and treasure to be invited aboard to share Pilates on this epic voyage! As featured in...
CNN, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, CBC News, National Geo
CNN, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, CBC News, National Geo